Diamond-Miner: Comprehensive Discovery of the Internet’s Topology Diamonds

0 Abstract

  1. 本論文提出可以高速probing的multipath discovery system
    • multipath: 拓樸中有load-balanced paths也可以偵測
  2. 透過實驗發現網路的拓樸改變,有不少部分是因為load balancer remapping造成,而不是像以往認為的都是routing path改變所導致

1 Introduction

  • 由於high probing load/runtime, 現有的probing只能獲得比較high-level的網路拓樸
    • 因為傳統作法是stateful的,透過BFS找multipath,所以probing overhead很高
  • D-Miner透過統計推論load-balancer的output-degree
    • probing: stateless, high-speed
    • 推論: stateful, 存resolved/unresolved nodes

2 Background & Issues (現有解法的不足/設計上的挑戰)

  • Load Balancing
    • Determistic LB
      • per-flow / per-dest.
      • 輸出路徑: packet header(src/dst ip/port)給router hash func.計算
    • Non-determistic LB (少見)
      • per-packet
      • 輸出路徑: switch round-robin
  • Multipath Detection Algorithm(MDA)
    • traceroute 的multipath版,可以走遍所有的load-balanced path
    • Stopping point: 用統計的方法,推論一個node該送多少個不同packet,才能決定該node的outgoing edges #
      • e.g. 若送$n_1=6$個header不同的packet,他的next hop都送到相同node,就可說有95%的機率這個node只有一條outgoing edge
    • 問題: Sequential execution, 無法直接用在Internet上,僅能作為performance參考
  • Yarrp
    • 高速且隨機probing的系統, stateless

3 System & Algorithm

  • 1st round probe: 看Architecture流程
    • D-Miner要自己另外紀錄node state
      • D-Miner extracts the data from each Yarrp reply
    • sends $n_1 = 6$ probes per /24, each with a different flow identifier
      • 6 first destinations in the /24
      • per-destination-prefix load balanced paths
  • Subsequent probing round
    • 計算還需要幾個probing,才能滿足每個node的statistical guarantees
      • $h:$ TTL
      • $R_h:$ Set of nodes discovered at TTL h that have not been resolved yet
      • $D_h:$ Probability distribution of nodes responding for TTL h after the current probing round
      • $k_v:$ number of successors for node v
      • $t_h:$ number of probes already sent at TTL h
      • $n_k:$ MDA stopping point
    • addtional probes: 增加上一輪last destination IP addr
    • Group the additional probes by flow
  • Per-packet LB
    • D-Miner sends 2 back-to-back probes per flow, until it reaches a defined threshold probability that the branching point is NOT a per packet LB

4 Discussion & Survey

  • Probe Changes
    • 很多都是因load balancer remapping, 不一定是routing path changes
  • Load-Balancer Remapping
    • 至少一條通往子孫的edge仍在set中:
      • $E_i ∩ E_{i+1} \neq 0$
      • 經驗,無法證明

5 Conclusion

